The Dragonsitter to the Rescue

Illustrator: Garry Parsons

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Andersen Press

The Dragonsitter series Series

Age 5+

Fantasy & Magical Realism Family & Home Stories Humorous Stories

Dear Uncle Morton
I have to tell you some bad news. We have lost Arthur. He’s somewhere in London, but I don’t know where.

Eddie takes the dragons with him on his half-term trip to London, but it's not long before disaster strikes and both dragons go missing. From the Natural History Museum to the London Eye, through tube stations, hotels and London Zoo, Eddie chases his dragons, hoping to avert disaster. But there's no smoke without a fire...


Josh Lacey (Author)
Josh Lacey is the author of many books for children including The Island of Thieves, Bearkeeper, The Dragonsitter and the Grk series. He has worked as a journalist and written one book for adults, God is Brazilian. His first book for children, A Dog Called Grk, was shortlisted for the Branford Boase Award. Josh lives in London with his wife and daughters.

Garry Parsons (Illustrator)
Garry Parsons is an award-winning illustrator of books for children, including the bestselling The Dinosaur That Pooped series. Garry’s illustrations have accompanied the words of many prestigious picture-book authors, including Kes Gray, Ian Whybrow and Peter Bently. He has also illustrated the popular fiction series The Dragonsitter by Josh Lacey and the space adventure series George’s Secret Key to the Universe by Lucy and Stephen Hawking for slightly older readers. Garry lives in London with his young family and old dog.


Inventive, clever and hugely satisfying these little books are really very good indeed.


Funny and warm

The School Librarian

If you liked The Boy Who Grew Dragons, then we think you’ll really love this fully illustrated funny chapter books series for readers aged 5+. Eddie is a young boy trusted with an incredibly big task: he must look after his uncle’s pet DRAGON, Ziggy, every time his uncle is off on a holiday. The only problem is Ziggy is a very naughty pet dragon who always seems to get himself (and Eddie) into lots of trouble. This is such a fun series by Josh Lacey, the author of the Hope Jones Save The World books and the Time Travel Twins books.


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