Desert Lake
The Story of Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre
It's raining up north and soon everything will change for the desert lake.
The dry salt bed of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre shimmers in the desert heat. But far up north, the rains have come. Water is flooding into empty riverbeds and swirling down towards the lake. Soon everything will change.
Pamela Freeman is an award-winning author who has also worked as a freelance business and technical writer. Pamela’s work ranges from picture books to adult novels and she is best known for her Floramonde series of fantasy novels. The Castings Trilogy is Pamela’s highly successful fantasy series for adults published by Hachette Australia. In addition to this, she teaches creative writing to adults at the Australian Writers’ Centre. Victor’s Challenge won the 2009 Aurealis Award for Best Children’s Short Fiction/Illustrated Work/Picture Book and was a Notable Book in the Younger Readers Category, CBCA Awards, 2010. Mary's Australia was shortlisted for the 2015 CBCA Eve Pownall Award. For more information about Pamela and her books, please visit her website:
Liz Anelli has recently come to live in Newcastle, NSW, having previously lived and worked as an illustrator in England. She has a huge passion for drawing and keeps rows of sketchbooks in her studio. Alongside books and other illustration commissions Liz has been a key activist for “The Campaign For Drawing”, facilitating numerous international “Big Draws” for the past thirteen years. She also has been much involved with creative child learning in schools and community settings. Liz won an Australia Council grant to visit and research Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre.
With appealing text and visuals, this well-researched information book would make a valuable addition to any primary-school classroom intending to study Australian landscapes, climate change and the arts.
This is a superb presentation of facts and pictures for children of all ages to look at, read, and remember.
Janet Croft Reviews
Not knowing what to expect at all upon opening this book, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the depth of thought behind it. It brings to life one of the great wonders of the Australian outback and will surely leave a marked impression on readers of any age.
Creative Kids Tales
What a significant and momentous occasion the rains are in this important place. To be blessed with such a sense of the place, on paper, is superb.
Reading Time
Stunning in every way, this book is breathtaking in its beauty and highlights Lake Eyre before and after the rains. Text and illustrations are perfectly blended. A visual feast, this book is a collector’s delight.
Not knowing what to expect at all upon opening this book, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the depth of thought behind it. It brings to life one of the great wonders of the Australian outback and will surely leave a marked impression on readers of any age.
Creative Kids Tales
The combination of text and illustration give a glimpse of one of Australia’s most amazing natural events – the appearance and disappearance of Lake Eyre – and this book is sure to be enjoyed by both children and adults.
Kids' Book Review
Highly recommended. Small hints are given of man’s footprint on the land, a farmhouse and train line, a windmill and train, but the overwhelming theme is of the natural world in all of its glory, reviving with the intermittent rains, bringing the once dry lake back to life, only to have it all gone with months, if not weeks. The sheer amazement at this occurrence in the north of South Australia is given full reign in this book, and it will appeal to anyone opening its pages.
Read Plus
An inspiring and engaging information book for any public library and primary school.
Magpies Magazine