He came over the pastures like a mean thunderstorm. Fast as lightening was the dirty dog.

All of the animals of the valley lived in peace and harmony until the big greedy dog appeared. He was so greedy that he gobbled up everything he could see! Happily for our animal friends, there was plenty of room for them all to live and play in the dog's big bad belly. Perhaps it's not so great to be the biggest and baddest animal in the valley after all...


Sandra Dieckmann is an artist, illustrator and potter. She is best known for her colourful, patterned and intricate drawings of nature and wildlife. In 2011 Sandra was chosen by Oscar-winning animator and illustrator Shaun Tan as the Emerging Talent in Illustration for her image ‘Fox Tree’. She runs a hugely successful Etsy store and also sells her work through her studio, Mama Wolf, in East London.

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