The jungle animals find that an extremely carnivorous crocodile has claimed their water hole for himself! Not even the elephant wants to tangle with those terrible teeth, until the five flamingos show that by being cunning and brave the crocodile can be made to share his waterhole.


Jonny Wild's interest in conservation was first stimulated by his own children's distress at learning about destruction of the rainforests. He set up the Yorkshire Rainforest project, which planted new forest trees in an Amazon area as big as Yorkshire, and now has similar projects all over the world. He works with environmental scientists at the University of Leeds, supporting collaborative research and action in conserving forest habitats for the benefit of both animals and humans. Brita Granstrom's illustrations have won such top awards as the Smarties/Nestle Silver Award, and the English Association Picture Book Award (no less than five times) and she has been twice shortlisted for the ALMA (Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award). Her most recent book, with her husband Mick Manning, is Books, Books, Books! Brita's vivid memories of working as a volunteer for a flying doctor in Africa help to give authenticity as well as humour to her illustrations in The Carnivorous Crocodile. Brita Granstrom lives in Berwick-upon-Tweed.

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