Stand and deliver! Lil and her pet crow must find a way to frighten off a gang of ruthless highwaymen who are terrorising the customers of the inn where she lives.

For Lil, life at the Squawking Mackerel inn couldn’t be more miserable. She's tasked with the sloppiest, grottiest jobs and picked on at every turn. Her only friend is Augustus Scratchy, a cantankerous crow with a habit of stealing. When the dread villain Rotten Bob Hatchet and his gang of cut-throat highwaymen begin attacking travelers on the road, things get really dire.

Joining forces with a new servant boy, Ned, and armed with the contents of the inn’s lost property cupboard, a pocket full of revolting dumplings and some knicker elastic, Lil comes up with a plot to scare off Rotten Bob. And so the legend of Ghastly Jack Crowheart the Demon Highwayman is born!

Dangerous highwaymen, furious crows, ludicrous underwear, and a turnip apocalypse - stand and deliver!


Loretta Schauer originally trained as a dancer and managed a conservation charity on Hampstead Heath for many years. A self-taught artist, Loretta won the 2011 Waterstones Picture This competition and has been illustrating children's fiction and picture books ever since.


A funny, fast paced adventure that will keep you on the edge of your saddle

Glorious, a laugh-out-loud tale

Chris Mould

A fun middle grade novel with plenty of gross out humour for kids

Librarian review on NetGalley

A great independent read for most children in Years 5 and 6

Librarian review on NetGalley

Great for readers aged eight and older who like things that are a little bit spooky, funny, and with lots of mischief that goes undetected.

The Book Muse

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