This cautionary tale is a twist on the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood, but this time it's the wolf's turn to teach a lesson.

Alberta does dreadful things, and she always gets her own way. So when she doesn’t listen to her mother’s good advice and enters the wild and dangerous woods, it’s no surprise that she tricks a kind stranger and eats their delicious cake. But this stranger is a wolf, wearing a red cape and hood, and she doesn’t take kindly to being double-crossed... Will Alberta learn a lesson she will very much regret?


Margaret Sturton is a Hampshire-based author and illustrator who studied a BA and MA in Fine Art Sculpture, and subsequently gained an MA in Children’s Book Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art. Margaret’s mixed ethnic heritage inspires her exploration of identity and belonging, and the idea for her debut picture book A Fox Called Herbert came to her on a train journey as the words ‘I am a fox’ sprung into her mind.


a fantastic twist on the well-loved and well-known tale of Red Riding Hood… Funny and cautionary, this story will be a firm favourite at bedtimes!

Armadillo magazine

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