A boy wonders what honeybees do all day – and they offer to show him! Charlotte Voake delivers a delightful story filled with whimsy and wonder.
On a warm spring day, a curious boy watches the bees go back and forth from their hive. To his surprise, he hears tiny voices – the honeybees have a magic bee suit just for him! The next minute, the boy is the same size as Bella, Beatrice and the rest of the sociable bees, ready to spend the day learning all about them. And when the day is over, the boy has an idea of his own about how to make his new friends’ lives even sweeter. Playful collage illustrations bring to life this buzzy adventure from beloved author-illustrator Charlotte Voake.


Charlotte Voake is the author-illustrator of Some Dinosaurs Are Small, Ginger, which was short-listed for the Kate Greenaway Medal, Ginger Finds a Home, and Hello Twins, which was named a New York Times Book Review Best Illustrated Children’s Book of the Year. She is also the illustrator of Say It! by Charlotte Zolotow; Insect Detective by Steve Voake; Caterpillar, Caterpillar by Vivian French; and The Things That I LOVE about TREES by Chris Butterworth.


A little boy who enjoys observing honeybees has a magical adventure with them. . . . A cozy, nonthreatening preschoolers’ introduction to some honeybee basics.

Kirkus Reviews

The message is clear but not at all heavy-handed, and the magic-transformation element is child-appealing, both in the text and in the simple, bold, cut-paper-and-ink illustrations.

The Horn Book

Delightful, cut-paper collage illustrations depict the winsome with bright hues and whimsical details. . . the lively text and upbeat approach offer an entertaining introduction to some honeybee characteristics in a book well suited for reading aloud.


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