The mission into space is about to commence! Hisssssss goes the sound of the rockets.
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Snakes blast into outer space.
they spin around planets
and give stars a chase.

This colourful crew of snakes explores stars and planets on a fabuloussss adventure with accessible, fun, sibilant text.

Brimming with rocket ships and planets, this outer space adventure is a fun read-aloud as whimsical and charming as its companions, Snakes on a Train and Snakes on the Job.


Kathryn Dennis began her art career drawing on walls and pavements and painting anything that did not move. In fourth grade, she published her first project, a comic strip about a platypus, which she sold for a nickel. She is also the author and illustrator of Snakes on a Train. Find her online at


Every illustrations is so fun to look at with the images being so simple but so engaging. […] a fun addition to the series of Snakes books and I’m sure many children will enjoy looking at this book again and again.

The Strawberry Post

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