Ducks Overboard!: A True Story of Plastic in Our Oceans

Illustrator: Markus Motum

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Walker Books

1 Other Related Editions

Age 6+

Nature, The Natural World Picture Storybooks

Discover the pollution crisis in our oceans through the eyes of one lost plastic duck in this engaging and stylish picture book based on a true story.

When a shipping container filled with 28,000 plastic ducks spilled into the Pacific Ocean, where did all those ducks go? Based on a true story, this innovative take on the plastic pollution crisis follows one duck as it travels on ocean currents to meet sea life and discovers the rubbish from humans that endangers our oceans. A highly accessible and stylish picture book with a positive message about environmental issues, from the author-illustrator of Curiosity, which was shortlisted for the Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize.


Markus Motum is a half-English, half-Norwegian up-and-coming illustrator. He studied Illustration at the University for the Creative Arts, graduating in 2012, and it was during his studies that he re-discovered his love of picture books. He really enjoys creating big colourful books and illustrations for readers to get sucked into. His first book, Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover, was shortlisted for the Klaus Flugge Prize and the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize in 2018.

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