Get Coding 2! Build Five Computer Games Using HTML and JavaScript

Illustrator: Duncan Beedie

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Walker Books

Book 2 of Get Coding! Series

Age 9+

Educational: It & Computing, Ict

Learn to code five fun computer games including Snake and Pong in this essential beginner's guide for kids.

Learn to code five fun computer games in this essential beginner's guide for kids using the popular programming languages HTML and JavaScript. From Mario to Minecraft, discover the basic concepts behind computer games such as loops, ticks, scores, graphics and AI. Then follow the easy step-by-step Game Builds, and learn how to code five ground-breaking games, including Noughts-and-Crosses, Snake and Pong. Short and simple explanations are given alongside examples of code and there is a supporting website if you get stuck.


David Whitney is an independent software consultant. He helps developers and businesses find smart solutions and write clean, well-tested code. He enjoys helping people learn how to build better software, using leading-edge tools and frameworks. He is the author of the bestselling Get Coding! Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript and Build a Website, App & Game. He lives in London.


Colour blocking, hints and tips in speech bubbles and the attention to detail make David Whitney’s second computer programming book a great tool for young coders keen to increase their skills and knowledge.


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