Darwin's Rival: Alfred Russel Wallace and the Search for Evolution

Illustrator: Harry Tennant

Binding: Hardcover

Imprint: Walker Studio

Walker Studio Series

Age 9+

Science & Technology: General Interest History & The Past: General Interest

Follow Victorian naturalist and explorer Alfred Russel Wallace on his intrepid journeys across the globe and find out how he developed his own theory of evolution in this beautiful illustrated gift hardback.

In 1858, Alfred Russel Wallace’s travels in the Amazon Basin and Malay Archipelago led him to discover natural selection independently of Charles Darwin. Darwin's Rival traces Wallace’s life from his childhood in the Welsh countryside to his rise to prominence among the scientific community, via dense tropical jungles and perilous journeys – and shines a light on one of the most important contributors to the theory of evolution. With evocative illustrations by Harry Tennant, this stunning gift book will appeal to children and adults alike, and is the perfect introduction to the man so often eclipsed by his contemporary and friend Charles Darwin.


Christiane Dorion's passion for writing children's books stems from the thousands of questions she asked as a child, many of which remained unanswered: How big is the universe? When did life begin? Originally from Canada, Christiane moved to the UK to carry out a PhD in environmental education, before working for WWF-UK for eight years. In 2002, Christiane left to become an educational consultant and writer, and her award-winning books are intended to inspire children to explore the complex systems of the world we live in and help protect it.

Harry Tennant is London-born, but escaped to the coves of Cornwall to study Illustration at University College Falmouth, before returning to the capital once more. He now works as a freelance illustrator, using a mixture of hand drawn and digital media to create his illustrations, and primarily produces artwork for magazines and book covers.

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