Magna Carta Chronicle

Eight Hundred Years in the Fight for Freedom

Illustrator: Andy Forshaw

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: What on Earth Books

Age 4+

General & World History

This commemorative book has been produced with generous funding and support from the Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Committee, established to co-ordinate the 800th Centenary Commemorations of the sealing of Magna Carta.

The Magna Carta Chronicle charts the fight for freedoms from the sealing of Magna Carta by King John in 1215 to the present day. It includes more than 40 newspaper articles, a two-metre-long fold-out timeline wallchart, a crossword, a 50-question multiple-choice quiz and a souvenir copy and guide to the Magna Carta itself. Designed as the ultimate souvenir guide for young people to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta in 2015, The Magna Carta Chronicle contains more than a hundred beautifully hand drawn illustrations. The combination of newspaper articles, timeline and quiz provides a highly accessible way for young and not-so-young people to explore the amazing stories of how freedoms and liberties have been won over the centuries. It also highlights how fragile many of them still are today.


Bestselling author Christopher Lloyd began his career as a journalist with the Sunday Times newspaper. Then, while camping with his family, he had a critical realisation: even with a 1st class degree in history from Cambridge University and experience as a science writer, there was so much about the world he didn’t know. So, he set out to write books that zoom out and tell the big stories, opening readers’ eyes to how seemingly unrelated events fit together and showing them multiple perspectives on the world, all in highly engaging prose and matched with lively illustration and photography. Now, with several books in print, including the bestselling What on Earth Happened? and Absolutely Everything, Chris divides his time between writing books and delivering lectures and workshops to schools, literary festivals, and a wide range of other venues around the world. He lives in Tonbridge, Kent, UK, with his wife and two adorable terriers.

Patrick Skipworth studied Classics and Linguistics in London and the Netherlands, connecting the dots between ancient cultures, their histories and their languages. Today, Patrick is a children’s book editor, but likes to write his
own stories when he can. Some of his favourite topics are prehistoric bugs, super-intelligent robots and legends from far away places.

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