Manga Math Mysteries 3: The Secret Ghost Distance

Illustrator: Yuko Ota

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Graphic Universe - Lerner Publishing Group

Age 8+

Comic Strip Fiction / Graphic Novels

Sam's little sister Michelle thinks there's a ghost in the creepy old house their dad bought. With help from a couple of friends on the soccer team, Sam, Amy, and Michelle use an old ghost story—plus measuring tools and calculations for distance, volume, and perimeters—to figure out the truth behind . . . The Secret Ghost.


Melinda Thielbar is a writer, teacher, statistician, and student of the martial arts. Manga Math Mysteries, including The Kung Fu Puzzle and The Secret Ghost is her first children’s series. Yuko Ota was born and raised in Mountain Lakes, New Jersey. She went to school at the Rochester Institute of Technology and graduated in 2008 with a BS in Sequential Art. She has done comics work for Dark Horse and Oni Press, as well as Graphic Universe. Yuko currently lives in Brooklyn, and likes cats and drawing comics!

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