Ida and the World Beyond Mount Kaiserzipf

Illustrator: Linda Schwalbe

Binding: Hardcover

Imprint: NorthSouth Books

Age 4+

Children's & Young Adult: General Non-Fiction

Although she lives at a time when girls are expected to be mothers and housewives, Ida dreams of being an explorer and going on expeditions. She bravely sets off on her first trip around the world, an adventurous journey over land and sea, discovering faraway lands and meeting friendly people along the way. With expressive colors, dynamic shapes, and a simple but evocative text, Linda Schwalbe’s debut picture book is a joyful tribute to Ida Pfeiffer—one of the first female explorers to travel around the world.


Linda Schwalbe studied illustration at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle and at the Berlin University of the Arts. Inspired by discoveries and adventures, music and nature, she is happiest painting with acrylics. Ida and the World Beyond Mount Kaiserzipf is Linda Schwalbe’s first picture book. She lives and works in Leipzig, Germany.

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