On Lisette's farm all the animals are happy except Pitschi, the smallest kitten. Pitschi wants to be something different. It takes a night time adventure and a warm homecoming for Pitschi to discover that what she really wants is to be a kitten after all.


Hans Fischer, who always signed himself as Fis, was born in Bern, Switzerland, in 1909. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts Industriels in Geneva and at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Zürich and also attended courses taught by Ferdinand Léger in Paris. He collaborated on the satirical weekly Nebelspalter. From 1937 on he worked in Zürich as a commercial artist, a set designer for the legendary Cabaret Cornichon, and an illustrator. Until 1955 he also painted twenty-two murals for public buildings. In addition to these activities, he worked on illustrated books, lithographs, and etchings. Out of these emerged a magical world of animals and goblins, mysterious, poetic, and funny. Fischer died in 1958.

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