Berlie Doherty

Berlie Dohery was brought up by the sea in a small town, and the weekly trip to the library was one of her favourite treats. In her twenties, Berlie had three children and was a full-time mother. Once her children were all school-age, Berlie trained as a teacher and began to write for the first time since she was a child. She has been a full-time writer of plays, novels, stories and poetry since her first book “How Free You Are!” was published in 1982. She lives in the Peak District of Derbyshire and many of her books are set in there, much inspired by the changing lights and colours of the mountains. Some of Berlie’s other books include, “Willa and Old Miss Annie”, which was short listed for the Sheffield Children’s Book award in 1995 and Highly Commended for the Carnegie Medal and “Dear Nobody”, winner of the Carnegie medal in 1991.