Raewyn Caisley
Raewyn Caisley has enjoyed a long, and in her own words, bloomin’ marvellous career. With 35 titles to her name her work has found its way into libraries and homes all over the world. She’s been shortlisted multiple times, (for the Patricia Wrightson Award, the WA Premier’s Award, and the Adelaide Festival Children’s Literature Award), won the Speech Pathology Book of the Year and the coveted SCBWI Crystal Kite, and even had one of her titles named among the top 15 picture books published worldwide. Her literary contribution to Western Australia has recently been recognised by the WA Museum.
In Primary School maths was one of Raewyn’s favourite subjects. She used to compete with a boy called Martin. When he beat her that only made her work even harder! (She didn’t want to be beaten by a boy!) Mr Foy taught her about the solar system, starting a lifelong love of cosmology, but it was dear Mr Derby who introduced her to books.
Her father had a huge influence on her too, telling her girls can do anything – even become the first female astronaut, (despite growing up in small town New Zealand in the ‘70s and ‘80s!) Thankfully she decided it would be too hard to become a famous writer on the moon. Raewyn lives in Fremantle WA with her husband, Terry, and her creative, musical son, Jack.