He was the best at being the best!

Hercules is the best at everything. He’s the best at fighting, the best at running and the best at being good-looking. King Eury is jealous. He wants to get rid of Herc. So he sends him on a series of deadly missions. Will Herc be the best at surviving?


Nigel Gray has published over seventy books – most for children –and they have been translated into twenty-four languages. He has won The Dickens Fellowship Award, and The Irish Post Award for Literature. His books for children include A Balloon for Grandad and A Country Far Away. Nigel was born in England, but now lives in a timber and iron pole house in Kalamunda, Western Australia, with his wife and their dog.

Heath McKenzie is a much-loved and highly successful Melbourne-based children’s book illustrator whose work ranges from early childhood picture books to YA novel covers. The funniest illustrator not on the stand-up circuit, and much in demand for his school appearances, Heath learned the alphabet a little while ago and can still remember it all to this day!


Jam packed with hilarious illustrations of Heath McKenzie, ‘Hercules-Champion of the World’ is a fun way for fans of Greek Mythology to learn about The Twelve Labors of Hercules.


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