I Really, Really Don't Like Parties
Binding: Hardcover
Imprint: Otter-Barry Books
Age 3+
Picture Storybooks
A funny, heartwarming story about being brave enough to be different and to be yourself.
Dora really, really doesn't like parties! They are too loud and too busy. Maybe she won't have to go if a gorilla steals her party dress or if a giant frog eats her shoe! But...what if Dora could find a nice quiet place at the party, and someone else who doesn't like noisy parties? Then they could have a lovely time - in their own way. and that would be...absolutely, completely, totally and perfectly OK!
Angie Morgan was born in Bristol and trained in Graphic Art at Goldsmiths' College, London. Instead of going straight into illustration she took on various jobs, including photographic styling and furniture painting. She became an author/illustrator with Daisy’s Big Dig in 2012, followed by Enormouse (2013) and the ‘Shouty Arthur’ books, among others. Small Stanley’s Big List of Scary Stuff was her first book for Otter Barry Books. Her images are collage-type, using pastels and watercolour, and scanned fabrics and textures. Inspired to write and illustrate by her own three children, Angie draws inspiration also from her local primary school, where she gives Maths and Literacy support. She lives in Bath.