The Little Princess is putting on a puppet show in her new puppet theatre. But as she goes about making the tickets and the refreshments, she doesn't notice her puppets getting more and more tangled. It's only as the curtain is about to raise that she sees what a state they're in! But, as they say, the show must go on...


Tony Ross was born in London and trained at the Liverpool School of Art. He has worked as a cartoonist, graphic designer, and art director of an advertising agency. He is now considered to be one of the finest children's illustrators in the country. He won the German Children's Book Prize for I'm Coming to Get You. Dr Xargle's Book of Earth Tiggers was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal and Tadpole's Promise won the Silver medal in the Smarties Prize 2003. He was the British choice for the Andersen Medal 2004.

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