Ten Things I Can Do to Help My World

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Walker Books

Age 3+

Novelty, Toy & Die-Cut Books

Written in a way that pre-schoolers will understand and yet gives a message that all ages should learn. An important book for the new generation.

A beautifully simple book for small children where transforming pages reveal ten things that everyone can do to help conserve their world. Many of them, such as turning off the television properly, walking to school and turning off lights when leaving a room, are about conserving energy. Others, such as feeding the birds in winter and growing plants from seed, will encourage an understanding of nature and conservation.


Melanie Walsh studied at the Harrow School of Art and the Royal College of Art, before working as a textile designer. She is now an author/illustrator of children's books which include Ho Ho Ho! (9781406302424), Hop, Skip, Jump! (9781844288465 ) Minnie and Her Baby Brother (9780744592757), Monster, Monster (9780744581041) This to That (9780744581249) and Trick or Treat? (9781406302431). She lives in Bath.


Green Earth Book Award
Parents’ Choice Award
Santa Monica Public Library’s Green Prize for Sustainable Literature
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