Thrilling comic-strip action, with monsters, mighty heroes and even mightier gods and goddesses.

The Iliad tells the story of the war between Greeks and Trojans; the love between Helena and Paris; Achilles and Hector's deadly combat; the Trojan Horse... The Odyssey depicts the perilous voyage home of the Greek warrior Odysseus; his struggles against the one-eyed Cyclops; the terrible Sirens; the dreadful, six-headed Scylla... These classic Greek stories have been retold with lively text and a dramatic cartoon style, making them accessible and fun for young children.


Marcia Williams worked as a nursery teacher before beginning a successful career as an author and illustrator. With her distinctive cartoon-strip style, she has now illustrated and retold many literary classics for children, including Greek Myths and Mr William Shakespeare's Plays. Marcia lives in Barnes, London.


If you like Horrible Histories you’ll love the humour and gore of this book.

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