Can you spell a Kangaroo? Yes! At alphabet-city zoo! Join this creative visit to the zoo featuring images created in Letter Art by this award-winning illustrator.

These ingenious animal portraits link letters and image in a totally new way, creating a connection between word and image that will help improve letter recognition, spelling and design skills.

The storyline is simple and empowering, in the form of a question and answer format. Readers spell their way through a series of animal pictures, made from the letters that spell the name of each animal. Colours are bold and bright, and the animals have a universal appeal.


Maree Coote is a writer, designer, illustrator and photographer. She is the author of two gold award winning histories, 'The Melbourne Book' and 'The Art of Being Melbourne', and is author/illustrator of a dozen children's books, including the Bologna Ragazzi Special Mention 2017 Award-winning 'Spellbound’, and the Nami Concours Illustration Distinction Prize. Her graphic work for children is focused on the typographic illustrations (Letter Art) she has developed in her recent books.

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