The world is wide awake — are you? Stunning photos and poetic text usher readers into the early moments of life all around them.

Wake up! Come out and explore all the new creatures being born — just-hatched birds in the trees, tadpoles in the pond, a baby fawn in the woods. In this collaboration, poet Helen Frost and photographer Rick Lieder, the creators of Step Gently Out, Sweep Up the Sun, and Among a Thousand Fireflies, invite readers to wake up, open their eyes, and see the awe-inspiring array of new life just outside their door.


Helen Frost is the author of Step Gently Out, Sweep Up the Sun, and Among a Thousand Fireflies, as well as the novel in poems Applesauce Weather and many other award-winning books for children and young adults. Helen Frost lives in Indiana.

Rick Lieder is the photographer for Step Gently Out, Sweep Up the Sun, and Among a Thousand Fireflies. He is also a painter and illustrator. Rick Lieder lives in Michigan.

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