Ogres Do Disco

Illustrator: Chris Judge

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Andersen Press

Ogden the Ogre Series

Age 7+

Ballet Fantasy & Magical Realism Humorous Stories, Pop Music Dance

What do you give a dancing ogre with great big feet?
Lots of space!

Ogden loves to dance to the funky beat, and the disco ball is coming up. But there's a fiendish creature on the loose who wants to put a jam in everyone's plans. Ogden better not get too ogre-eager if he wants to catch the monster...


Kirsty McKay (Author)
Kirsty McKay is a former actress, and has written several children's plays for commercial theatre in the UK and North America. In 2008 she won SCBWI's competition to find new writers. She lives in Boston with her young family.

Chris Judge (Illustrator)
Chris Judge is an illustrator and painter based in Dublin. His work has appeared in advertising, newspapers, magazines and exhibitions around the world. His debut picture book, The Lonely Beast, won the Irish Children’s Book Award in 2011.


An entertaining adventure with amusing illustrations

The School Librarian

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