“A complex cast of suspicious characters, a relentless undercurrent of fear, sophisticated plot development, and the lyrical language . . . make this an exceptionally compelling read.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Zara Evans has come to the Aurelia Theater, home to the visionary director Leopold Henneman, to play her dream role in Echo and Ariston, the Greek tragedy that taught her everything she knows about love. When the director makes Zara promise that she will have no outside commitments, no distractions, it’s easy to say yes. But it’s hard not to be distracted when there’s a death at the theater—and then another—especially when Zara doesn’t know if they’re accidents, or murder, or a curse that always comes in threes. It’s hard not to be distracted when assistant lighting director Eli Vasquez, a girl made of tattoos and abrupt laughs and every form of light, looks at Zara. It’s hard not to fall in love. In heart-achingly beautiful prose, A. R. Capetta has spun a mystery and a love story into an impossible, inevitable whole—and cast light on two young women finding each other on a stage set for tragedy. Now in a paperback edition with a striking new cover.


A. R. Capetta, who previously published under the name Amy Rose Capetta, is the author of The Lost Coast and The Heartbreak Bakery. After studying theater at the Stella Adler Studio as a teenager and spending four years in a Shakespeare troupe, they went on to get an MFA in writing for children and young adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. A. R. Capetta lives in Vermont with fellow author Cory McCarthy and their young child.

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