Being a biracial girl adopted by a white family didn't used to bother Alex. All that mattered was being her father's baseball star—until that status slips. Now she's questioning her identity. Black or white—where does she fit in?

See No Color is the story of Alex, a 16-year-old mixed-race girl and gifted baseball player brought up in a white family. The story follows her as she comes to terms with her adoption, her race, and her blackness. Alex feels tenuous in her white identity, and completely lacking in her black identity. The only label she's ever felt comfortable with is that of baseball player, and now that label is slowing being taken from her. The story draws heavily on the author's own difficult experiences as a transracial adoptee.


Shannon Gibney is a professor of English and African diaspora studies at Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). After graduating from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in Creative Writing and Spanish, Shannon traveled to Ghana to collect information for a short story collection on relationships between African Americans and continental Africans. As a former editor for the Indiana Review, she conceived of the literary journal's first "Writers of Color" special issue in 2002. She is also a former managing editor of the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, Minnesota's oldest Black newspaper. See No Color is her second novel. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband and son. Visit her online at

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