A charming story perfect for reassuring children that bedtime can be the most special time of the day.

“Bedtime!” says Mum. Albie the warthog doesn’t think so! He’d much rather play a game. So off he dashes – skippety trot trit trot. But the cheetahs are having their bedtime story, the elephants are having their shower and the meerkats are already snuggled down deep in their burrow. What will Albie do? Mum might just have the most fun game of all...


Sophie Ambrose is a graduate of the BA Illustration course at Kingston University. A rising talent in the world of illustration, Sophie was highly commended in the 2013 Macmillan Prize for Children’s Illustration and has had her work exhibited at Foyles and the Science Museum. Her first picture book, The Lonely Giant, was published in 2016. She lives in London SW6. Find Sophie online at sophieambrose.co.uk and on Twitter as @sophielambrose.

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