A nearly wordless story following a little girl in search of someone who understands...

"Kim has created sumptuous images. DiCamillo’s text leaves room for children to fill in the silences with their own boundless imaginations" New York Times

“La la la...”
A little girl stands alone and sings, but hears no response. Gathering her courage and her curiosity, she skips further out into the world, singing away to the trees and the pond and the reeds – but no song comes back to her. Day passes into night, and the girl dares to venture into the darkness towards the light of the moon, climbing as high as she can... Now, will she be heard?

With an enchanting palette and captivating expressiveness, Jaime Kim brings to life Kate DiCamillo's endearing character in a transcendent landscape that invites readers along on an emotionally satisfying journey.


Kate DiCamillo is the author of two Newbery Medal winning books The Tale of Despereaux and Flora and Ulysses as well as The Magician's Elephant, a New York Times bestseller and the award-winning Mercy Watson series. Kate DiCamillo lives in Minneapolis, USA. Find her online at katedicamillo.com.

Jaime (Jimyung) Kim was born and raised in Korea before moving to the United States at the age of eighteen. She has illustrated many books for young readers, including And Then Comes Summer by Tom Brenner. Jaime Kim lives in North Carolina. Find her online at jaimekim.com and on Twitter and Instagram as @jaimekimil.

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