"Welcome to Paddock Grove, a boarding school for the best, providing equestrians of tomorrow with state-of-the-art facilities and world-class tuition in everything from stable management to competitive riding..."
A scholarship to Paddock Grove is a dream come true for George, but when her local riding school shuts down and the horse she hoped to borrow is sold, it seems her dreams are over before they've begun – until her parents surprise her with a pony of her own. Unfortunately, that pony is Bear, a scruffy cob with tangles in his mane, feathers around his hooves and a mischievous streak a mile wide. He's the complete opposite of the well-bred show horses her classmates are riding.
Between George's new-school nerves and Bear's naughty tricks, everything goes from bad to worse. If George and Bear can't learn how to work together, they might lose their place at Paddock Grove for good...
The first of four titles in a brand new pony series set in an elite equestrian boarding school from rising star J. P. Rose.
J. P. Rose writes for both adults and children, and has been shortlisted for several awards, including the Branford Boase Award for her debut children's novel The Haunting of Tyrese Walker. In addition to spending her days surrounded by words, J. P. surrounds herself with her rescue dogs, cats and her magnificent horses. As a child she fell in love with ponies, was an avid rider and dreamed of having her own horse. Now, as an adult, she’s lucky enough to have three magical unicorns of her very own, Apache, Boo and Monarch.